December Soaring Eagles

On Wednesday, December 13th at the All School Mass, November Soaring Eagles were honored. The Soaring Eagle Award was started to acknowledge students who demonstrate one of our school norms which are community, growth, respect, innovation, and service. Teachers and staff have an opportunity to nominate one student.
  1. Eric from Preschool 3s for demonstrating acts of respect and service by always rushing to help anyone in need. He is kind and thoughtful to his classmates. If he sees someone cleaning up he rushes over to help. He follows the class rules and helps others follow them, too. His friendly smile and thoughtfulness are contagious.

  2. David from Preschool 4s for demonstrating the act of growth by showing his confidence is building. He is much more comfortable talking and sharing with others. He has great ideas to share and we are happy to hear them! David’s personality is shining through and he is a fabulous addition to our classroom and school.

  3. Blake from PreK for demonstrating acts of respect, growth, and service by being a kind and respectful friend. He is helpful and shows care and respect for his classroom and his classmates.

  4. Jonathan from Kindergarten for demonstrating the acts of community, respect, and service by always being positive and patient with all of the students in our classroom. He is a good friend to everyone and has a kind heart. We love you, Jonathan!

  5. Anthony from Kindergarten for demonstrating acts of community and respect by being very friendly and always willing to help his classmates, especially when it comes to tying their shoes. Anthony is a very polite boy and always says, “Please” and “Thank you”

  6. Blake from 1st grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect, growth, and service by showing improvement in persevering when things become challenging. He is a leader who serves others and shows respect but does not draw attention to himself.

  7. Oliver from 2nd grade for demonstrating the act of community by giving up the bell in music class when another student wanted to play it.

  8. Cate from 2nd grade for demonstrating the acts of community and respect by working hard in class. She is eager to read aloud, share her thoughts, and help others. Cate is a wonderful example of how to be a leader in the classroom. She is a great friend to others and a bright light in our classroom!

  9. Reese from 2nd grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect and growth by looking out for others and offering help. She takes her own notes to remember important information. She is a delightful, caring girl who works hard at all things. She is a great role model in our classroom!

  10. Jacob from 2nd grade for demonstrating the act of community by respecting the principles of hard work, a connection to God and the community around him. He shows his faith through actions and words in the classroom. He is respectful towards his peers and teacher. He gives 100% when completing classwork. He is a positive role model at St. Francis de Sales School.

  11. Tyler from 3rd grade for demonstrating the acts of community and respect by always being respectful to his teachers and classmates. He loves to answer questions and makes sure our classroom is clean at the end of each day.

  12. Christopher from 3rd grade for demonstrating acts of respect, growth, and innovation by being respectful and kind to all of his peers and teachers at all times. He continues to show tremendous growth in the classroom this school year. He shares his ideas in all subject areas and is always on task. 

  13. Jannelyn from 4th grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect and innovation by showing great determination to work hard and at all she does. She does not give up easily and is not afraid to make mistakes. She participates in classroom discussions and will always lend a hand to her classmates if needed.

  14. Caroline from 4th grade for demonstrating acts of respect and service by going out of her way to include and help out classmates whenever possible. Caroline has made great growth and persevere through academic challenges. She demonstrates service towards others by always looking for ways to help.

  15. Andrew from 5th grade for demonstrating acts of respect and service by being helpful to his friends in his group in class, even if he is busy working. He is quite patient and respectful to his friends. He is always polite and humble when talking with his friends, regardless of what the topic of conversation might be.

  16. Abby from 5th grade for demonstrating acts of community, respect, and service by frequently helping straighten the computer lab after class without being asked.

  17. Dane from 5th grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect, and service by frequently helping straighten the computer lab after class without being asked.

  18. Rylan from 5th grade for demonstrating acts of community, respect, and growth by being kind to his friends and always ready to share his positive attitude. He is quick to help his classmates stay focused in the classroom. Rylan understands what it means to be a responsible and respectful student.

  19. Ally from 6th grade for demonstrating the acts of community and service by being helpful in the classroom and showing interest in others. She is a very considerate person. When someone expresses a need, Ally jumps right in to help out.

  20. Charlotte from 6th grade for demonstrating the act of respect by being kind to her classmates, respectful and engaged in class. She is always very cooperative and polite, patiently raises her hand, and is willing to wait for her turn to participate. 

  21. Jake from 6th grade for demonstrating the acts of community, service and growth by being thoughtful and kind to his classmates. He is a conscientious worker and is always ready to lend a hand. He consistently puts forth effort and shows that he cares very much about his grades.

  22. Vadim from 6th grade for demonstrating acts of community and service by being attentive to the needs of his classmates. He helps out when someone is in need, includes others, and promotes fairness. He also helps tidy the classroom without being asked.

  23. Madelyn from 7th grade for demonstrating the act of growth in religion class by having an open heart to learn more about God’s message and how to be a part of our St. Francis faith community.