Events & Activities

One of the best things about St. Francis is our warm and welcoming community. We have many involved parents who share of their time, talent and treasure for our school, students and teachers.

In addition to our volunteer leadership Boards, SFS parents organize events and activities throughout the year. Please review the list below and reach out if you would like to get more involved.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Community Events
Back to School Pool Party
Plan and host free summer event for families at the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center, including providing water and snacks. 
Father/Daughter Dance
Mother/Son Dance
Committee will setup, decorate, serve food and drinks and assemble gift baskets for raffle.
Ladies’ Night Out
Coordinate and promote this social event for the women of our school.
Men’s Night Out
Coordinate and promote this social event for the men of our school.
Family Bowling
Plan and coordinate with the bowling alley, setup, sell raffle tickets, and assemble prize baskets. 
In-School Events
Book Fair
Setup, the sale day, clean up and paperwork for both Usborne and Follett Book Fairs. 
Candy Cane Corner
Coordinate a fun holiday event which gives students an opportunity to buy Christmas gifts for members of their family.
Spirit Day
A special day filled with prayer, a community walk, competitive Eagle Games to benefit our school and students. 
Bingo Night
Coordinate and host Bingo night, including food and drink, raffles, Bingo prizes, as well as cards.
Effortless Fundraising
Box Tops for Education
Promoting electronic submission and school contests.
Dining for Dollars
Coordinate dates with local restaurants in which the school earns a percentage of funds. 
Ink Cartridges
Collecting used printer ink cartridges and taking them to sources that will reimburse for donations including Staples and OfficeMax. 
Caring Hands
Set up support and coordinate efforts to help school families experiencing illness or other special needs. 
This committee organizes hospitality (food and drinks) for all special events.
New Family Welcome
Coordinate and assist new families into our community, including partnering with a buddy family and helping with events.
Parents’ Night Out/Kids’ Night Out
Host a fun night for families, pick something new every year.
School Supply Packets
Sort and label school supply kits for distribution during Registration Day. Sort loose school supplies (Bibles, Journals, etc.) to prepare for sale. 
Spirit Wear
Take orders and distribute Spirit Wear, including sweats, sweatshirts, and jersey shirts. 
Teacher Appreciation
Coordinate and promote the week’s activities for our wonderful teachers and staff. 
Used Uniform Sale
Collecting school family-used uniforms and selling the uniforms at Back-to-School Night and during the last week of school.