Intermediate Grades Curriculum
4th Grade
5th Grade
- Prayer
- Liturgy
- Feasts and seasons
- Service
- PRIMARY TEXT: Blessed are We, RCL Benziger
- Understand the Holy Spirit
- Foundation and history of the Church
- Commandments and Beatitudes
- Social justice
- Scripture Connections
- PRIMARY TEXT: Blessed are We, RCL Benziger
- Basic Bible skills
- Marks of the church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
- Seven sacraments
- Stations of the Cross all-school presentation
- Prayer - emphasize the importance of daily prayer
ALL INTERMEDIATE GRADES focus on the Eight Mathematical Practices:
1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively
3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
4) Model with mathematics
5) Use appropriate tools strategically
6) Attend to precision
7) Look for and make use of structure
8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
- PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
- Number sense
- Place Value up to 100,000
- Operations with multi-digit numbers using a variety of strategies
- Converting between units of measurement
- Introduction to Fraction operations
- Geometry
- PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
- Place Value between thousandths and millions
- Multiplying and Dividing Multi-digit Whole Numbers
- Operations with Decimals
- Numerical Expressions
- Operations With Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Volume
- Units of Measure
- Represent and Interpret Data
- Coordinate Geometry
- Use of textual evidence
- Cause/Effect
- Making Inferences
- Fact/Opinion
- Plot, characters, and setting
- Compare/ Contrast
- Main Idea and Detail
- PRIMARY TEXT: Wonders, McGraw Hill
- Fluency with complex texts
- Vocabulary: idioms, synonyms/antonyms, connotation, vocabulary-building strategies, allusions to mythology
- Comprehension: story elements and structure, summarizing skills, nonfiction genres
- PRIMARY TEXT Wonders, McGraw Hill
- Fluency with complex texts and word decoding
- Vocabulary: word relationships, figurative language, word nuances
- Comprehension: theme development, point of view, direct quoting of textual evidence, multiple main ideas/supporting details in complex texts, summarizing a text
- The Writing Process: planning, drafting, revising, publishing
- Writing fluency
- Writing and grammar integration
- Speech
- PRIMARY TEXT: Voyages in English, Loyola Press
- Writing purposes: focus on informative writing
- Parts of a paragraph and multiple paragraphs
- Grammar with an emphasis on prepositional phrases, complete sentences, capitalization and commas
- Research: State Report project
- Handwriting practice: cursive
- PRIMARY TEXT: Voyages in English, Loyola Press
- Writing purpose: focus on opinion writing and narrative writing
- Expanding and development of ideas in a paragraph and between paragraphs
- Grammar with an emphasis on sentence classifying, verb tense, and punctuation
- Research: conduct short projects using print and digital sources
ALL INTERMEDIATE GRADES focus on Science and Engineering Practices:
- Asking Questions & Defining Problems
- Developing & Using Models
- Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
- Analyzing & Interpreting Data
- Using Mathematical & Computational Thinking
- Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
- Engaging in Argument from Evidence
- Obtaining, Evaluating & Communicating Information
- PRIMARY SOURCE: Mystery Science
- Processes that Shape the Earth: weathering, erosion, deposition
- Forms of Energy and Motion: energy transfer via sound, light, heat, and electrical current
- Light and Sound waves: particles in waves
- Molecules and organisms
- Plants and Animals: importance and purpose of internal and external structures
- Earth’s place in the Universe
- PRIMARY TEXT: Interactive Science, Pearson
- Classifying organisms
- Growth and survival of living things, adaptations, and lifecycles
- Ecosystems
- The water cycle and weather
- Earth’s surface
- Earth and space
- Properties of Matter
- Geography and map skills
- Interpretation of graphs, charts & tables
- Vocabulary
- Note-taking skills
- Analysis and interpretation of primary sources
- PRIMARY TEXT: Social Studies Alive! Regions of Our Country, TCI
- U.S. government
- U.S. economy
- Geographic regions of the U.S.
- The 50 States: resources, climate, growth, change, capitals, and abbreviations
- State Project
- PRIMARY TEXT: Social Studies Alive! America's Past, TCI
- The first Americans
- Exploration
- Colonies
- American Revolution
- Expansion
- Civil War and the Reconstruction