Pastor's Message

Our primary purpose at St. Francis de Sales Parish School is to assist students in their growth as Catholics. This goal is our reason for existing as a Catholic school. To enhance the spiritual growth of the child, St. Francis de Sales provides opportunities for prayer, reflection, service, and Liturgy. Through planning and celebrating the Liturgy, the students hopefully will grow to appreciate their faith and experience the joy of being a Catholic.
Parents are encouraged to participate in school Liturgies, to unite with their child(ren) in the Eucharistic celebration, and to be active participants in the building of a faith community. The spiritual encouragement given at school merely builds upon that already received at home. Sunday Mass, in particular, does much to impress upon children an attitude of reverence for their religion. The ideal situation is for the family to celebrate the Liturgy as a family, thus helping emphasize a oneness with God and each other, as the Father's family.
God bless,

Father David F. Ryan